Is Roofing In The Rain A Bad Idea?

Roofing Tips


All roofers know that mother nature can be unpredictable at the best of times. And South Florida is no stranger to rainy weather. Therefore professional roofing projects should involve a well-thought-out planning process. So, is roofing in the rain a bad idea? The short answer is, yes. Rain can be detrimental to the job.

Here’s why you shouldn’t undergo any roofing work in the rain.

How Rain Affects Roofing

South Florida’s rainy season can inflict its fair share of damage to your roofing project. Here’s how rain might affect your roof:

  • Compromised Roofing Materials

    Many roofing structures consist of wood. If these structures are left exposed during the rain, they can become waterlogged. This can lead to an increased risk of future rot and mold. When it comes to installations, shingles are almost impossible to install in the rain. South Florida is known for its high humidity. The combination of humidity and water prevents shingles from adhering to your roof. Added to this is the challenge of trapped moisture underneath the shingles. It’s best not to start on the wrong footing as you could undermine your entire project. Don’t allow time constraints to rush you when there’s bad weather. Rather hold off.

  • Safety Concerns For The Installer

    Rain creates hazardous conditions for roofing contractors to work in. Rain leads to slippery surfaces which can be dangerous for roofers. Roofs are elevated off the ground which increases the safety risk for those working on them. It takes one slippery surface for a roofer to slip and injure themselves. It’s important to safeguard your roofer’s safety.

  • Commercial Roofs May Fare Better

    Flat roof installs such as tar roofing tend to work better in light rain. Certain rubberized materials are designed to withstand the rain. This allows contractors to push on with most flat roof maintenance. Remember that this is only possible in light rain. All work should stop in the event of a heavy downpour.

What If It Rains While You’re Roofing?

You can’t predict the weather correctly. What do you do if it starts to rain halfway through your roofing project? The first thing to do is to assess how heavy the rain is. If it’s very light rain for a short period of time, it may be safe to continue the job. But in the event of gradual to heavy downpour, it’s best to stop any work to your roof immediately. In these events, a professional contractor will quickly tarp your roof. These tarps cover your roofing materials and are safely secured. Remember that strong wind can still cause water to infiltrate your roof. But any water that’s present should be minimal and won’t compromise your project. Tarping needs to be installed professionally. So make sure you entrust a tapping job to a reputable contractor.

What About Your Warranty? 

Rain damage can often compromise your roof warranty. If internal moisture from rain is found during a warranty assessment, you may be in trouble. It’s for this reason that it’s best to stop all work on your roof during rainy periods. This will ensure that your warranty remains active and isn’t voided. Once again, it’s best to get an experienced roofing contractor. They will follow all the correct procedures when it comes to rainy weather. A professional installation will ensure your warranty for a long time to come.

The Rain Roofing Specialists

Our team understands all of the necessary requirements and safeguards. No matter what the job, you can trust their team of experienced roofing contractors. Why not call us at 954-426-8500? You can also visit the AABCO Roofing Facebook page for the latest updates.

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