Do You Have a Hurricane Ready Roof?

Roofing Tips

hurricane ready roof

You don’t need to wait for hurricane season to be looming before making sure that you have a hurricane ready roof for this season. Maintenance is something that can be done consistently so that, when it is time to get your roof ready for the inevitable hurricane season, it isn’t going to require massive repairs.

It would be much easier knowing that all that needed done was checks and small fixes or additions. Of course, this has to be done as close to hurricane season as possible, but regular maintenance means less hassles and stress before the winds and rain hit hard.

There are some things we can put off from getting repaired during the drier season in South Florida – however during hurricane season these minor repairs, if not checked, can become cause for serious concern.

One little weak spot could be the reason you incur major expenses in roof damage during post hurricane. By keeping these little things in check, you negate the reality of having to do major checks and repairs right before the hurricane season.

Things to Check Regularly

  • Materials

    Use of materials in maintenance is an important thing to be aware of. Make sure that your contractor is using quality products that are suitable for hurricane conditions and can withstand the force, and even be advantageous under such sever conditions.

  • Damage

    Water damaged areas and minor leaks signify areas that will leave your roof vulnerable to hurricanes and the conditions that occur during the season. Keep on top of the condition of your roof so that these simple to fix issues do not become cause for major damage with the sudden onset of a hurricane.

  • Exposed Areas

    Loose tiles and shingles, or even missing tiles and shingles, leave parts of your home exposed to the elements and create weak spots for further damage. Gaps in your roofing also affects your roof’s ability to withstand high winds and pressure systems. You could lose your roof altogether you don’t keep small problems like this in check. Make sure you always have access to spare tiles or shingles so that you are never caught waiting on orders.

  • Drainage Systems

    Clogged gutters happen. It might seem like an annoying task to have to keep on your to-do list, but in the event of high winds and heavy rains, clogged drainage systems put your roof and home under pressure against the elements.

  • Flashing

    Areas that are installed with your roofing that ensure water runoff need to be maintained to prevent water build up, as this can cause damage that will be exacerbated by hurricane conditions.

Things to Have in Order

  • Trusted Professional

    Find a roofing professional who can work with the type of roof that you have. Know their credentials. Having a contractor that you can trust means they will become familiar with your home and will know what to check first, and it won’t be a case of rushed jobs right before the season starts.

  • Be Prepared

    Don’t be caught off guard – circle the date and set reminders to get professional in for maintenance leading up to, and outside of hurricane season. Have lists of things that have needed repairs in the past and make sure you are as thoroughly prepared in that sense as possible. Go over your insurance policies again, perhaps even make contact with your insurance company, to be sure of what will be covered in the event of a serious hurricane or any seasonal damage. If necessary, update your policy.

Things to Double Check

  • Fixtures

    Overhanging fixtures or installations such as air cooling systems need to be kept in place more so than usual. Roofing that has been added or that forms part of outbuildings or porches/patios also need to be checked in case they need to be reinforced.

  • Weak Spots

    There are several points on your roof that could be considered weak spots, exposed to the greatest chance of damage. Make sure that all soffits have been checked, that any reinforcement necessary is done. Check that all pipes and attached fixtures are sheathed and secured. It is a good idea to find out if there is any storm protectors or straps that could be used on the type of roof that you have.

  • Trim Trees

    Your garden could contain several hazardous materials in case of a storm. Secure any and all furniture that could become debris. Trees that haven’t been trimmed pose risks as branches can easily puncture roofing and then it won’t matter how many checks and repairs you have done on your actual roof in preparation.

  • Have Evidence

    Take pictures of the state of your roof, especially at any points that are vulnerable, as evidence of the condition of your roof, and keep paperwork recording all checks and repairs.

It might be a good idea to have a professional roofing company like ABC Roofing check your roof thoroughly right after the end of each hurricane season and not just right before the season. Remember that even if hurricane season has begun, it is never too late to check your roof. Have the details of a professional readily available, one whom you trust and whose credentials and experience you have checked.

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