Commercial Roofing Maintenance Guide

Roofing Tips

Commercial Roofing Maintenance

All roofs are not created equal. To many people a roof is a roof is a roof, but there are significant differences between residential and commercial roofing. Both require installation by a professional, but the materials and methods differ greatly as each serve different functions. This also means different maintenance requirements. Here we take a look at the different types of commercial roofing and discuss how to maintain each of them.

3 Common Types Of Commercial Roofing

The three most common commercial roofing options are thermoplastic polyolefin roofing (TPO); built-up roofing and modified bitumen roofing systems. Each of these have their own installation and maintenance processes.

  1. TPO Roofing

    Thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO) has quickly become the preferred roofing option for many people. TPO roofing options are UV light resistant and can provide sufficient protection against chemical exposure, making them ideal for commercial spaces. Your TPO roofing maintenance should start with an evaluation by a professional. A roofing professional will study the roof membrane and identify a roof leak that could be invisible to the naked eye. The roofing inspector will look for signs of deterioration around the roof’s coping joints and in the sealants. Special focus will also be given to the drainage; parapets and roof/wall tie-ins. Once the problems have been identified, the areas can be fixed and sealed correctly.

  2. Built-up Roofing

    Built-up roofing is an affordable roofing option that has a range of benefits including temperature control and energy conservation. It also provides protection against water, fire, and wind – making it a great roofing option. Built-up roofing systems are characterized by their many layers resulting in greater protection even if one layer fails, despite this it is important to maintain the roofing system to prevent significant damage to lower lying layers. Maintaining them requires a roofer to identify the broken-down layer and to repair it. The type of roof repair required will typically depend on the size of the damage and the material the layer is made of.

  3. Modified Bitumen Systems

    Modified Bitumen Systems are similar to the traditional BUR roofing system in that they use several plies.  However, when an SBS or APP cap sheet is combined with traditional BUR base sheets and interply sheets, the result is a hybrid roof offering the best of both systems – multiple plies and superior performance and longevity. APP modified bitumen membranes are self-adhering when heated using a roofing torch. SBS modified bitumen membranes can be formulated for torch application but are more commonly applied using hot asphalt. There are also cold applied SBS modified bitumen adhesives although not as common as the traditional hot mopped tar or torch applied system. The result is a BUR system with significantly enhanced performance capabilities. Continuing improvements in technology have also resulted in self-adhering SBS roof membranes being introduced to commercial roofing. Keeping the roof maintained by a professional roofer will ensure the systems longevity.

Why Should Commercial Roof Maintenance Be A Priority?

Commercial roofing is an investment in your business that can either yield reward or result in a devastating loss. Many people believe that once their commercial building is complete that the only maintenance required is to the internal structure, but neglecting roof maintenance now will cost you a great deal of time and money later. Making use of good building materials and skilled roofers will save you money as it can reduce insurance costs, how much energy your building consumes, and can create a safer working environment.

If your commercial roofing maintenance is not a priority yet, get in touch with a roofing professional to guide you through the maintenance you need. At AABCO Roofing, our skilled technicians will provide expert advice and efficient service. We can assist with everything from roofing inspection to replacements. Contact us today and we will help you protect your roofing investment.

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