Torch down roofing finds its meaning in the name. A roofing technique that uses an open-flame propane torch. But why would you make use of this type of roofing technique? Is it better than other techniques? Here’s a look at the ins and outs of torch down roofing and why you should consider it for your roof.
Torch Down Roofing 101
Torch down roofing is best intended for flat or low-slope roofs. Also known as modified bitumen membrane that’s applied by using a propane torch. The asphalt bitumen compound is either made with rubber or plastic. The material is incredibly strong and durable while remaining lightweight. One of its main strengths is that it has a high tolerance for both heat and cold. This means that it’s able to expand and contract without cracking or melting. It shouldn’t be confused with hot mopping. Hot mopping makes use of liquid asphalt as opposed to rolls of modified bitumen. There are however some hot mopping safety concerns to be aware of. Torch Down roofing provides a safer installation as no dangerous fumes are emitted.
How Is It Installed?
Torch down roofing comes in large sheets of modified bitumen. These are measured and cut according to your roof size requirements. These sheets are then rolled onto your roof. A professional roofer then uses a hand-held propane torch to heat the sheeting. The heat causes the sheets to adhere to the surface of your roof and forms a strong bond. A mat of fiberglass or polyester is often used as a core layer for the membranes to be placed over. The contractor will then embed small granules into the top membrane. This creates increased fire resistance. When the layers reach the correct temperature, the seams melt together. This forms a water-tight seal on your roof.
Why Choose Torch Down Roofing?
Torch down roofing comes with some clear benefits. Here’s why you should consider it for your flat roof installation:
Designed For All Climates
Torch down roofing has a rubbery composite. This means that it won’t crack or expand during hot Florida summers. The bitumen composite is a highly flexible roofing material. This gives it an advantage over many other flat roofing products.
Durable and Thick
Living in South Florida comes with the risk of hurricane damage every so often. The modified bitumen compound is thicker than many competing products. One torch down sheet can be up to three times thicker and a regular PVC roofing membrane. This means that many falling objects won’t puncture or penetrate your roof.
No Condensation Problems
Heat is known to move from your home’s interior to the exterior which creates condensation. Light-colored roofs tend to rot as they reflect solar radiation. The radiation creates heat which dries up the condensation. Torch down roofs are dark-colored and therefore absorb more solar radiation. The added heat dries up any moisture that may cause rotting.
Easy Maintenance
Torch down roofs can easily last up to 20 years. Roof maintenance is an easy process when it comes to modified bitumen applications. If there is a gap or a rip in the membrane, patches are added to the damaged area. This re-creates that watertight seal.
The Torch Down Roofing Professionals
Our expert roofing team at AABCO Roofing is ready to take on your flat roof installation or repair. We’re an experienced torch down roofing installer. As a member of the Roofing Contractors Association of South Florida, you can trust us as your go-to roofer. Call us today at (954) 426-8500 or visit our Facebook page for the latest updates.