Hurricane Damage That Requires A Tile Roof Repair

Roofing Tips

Tile Roof Repair

The threat of storm Dorian is still fresh in our minds, reminding us why it is necessary to realize the importance of recognizing hurricane damage which may require immediate repair. While not all types of damage are visible to the untrained eye, there are many signs that your tile roof has sustained damage and needs repair. Your roof is specially designed to resist high-speed winds and torrential rain pour, however, even the smallest cracks or tears could mean your roof has lost its ability to protect your home.

Learn when you need to call in one of our technicians for a roof inspection by looking out for the following signs of damage.

Roof Tile Surface Pitting and Breakage

Wind-borne debris such as large tree branches, heavy metal or concrete fragments, will not only scratch and gouge into your roof tiles but cause unrepairable breakage.  This type of damage leaves the underlayment of your roof exposed to the harsher elements and reduces the barrier between your safe, dry home and the outside world. Also, nearby trees can be a cause for danger, as they may scrape and tear away at your roof and its edging.

A roof is designed to withstand strong wind forces, but a damaged surface area will reduce its strength and efficacy in protecting your home. If you notice many severely broken or missing tiles on your roof area, it is time for a replacement.

Tile Lift Caused by Wind

Strong winds cause a type of suction on your roof surface, with most of its strength acting on the edges of the roof. Roof tiles may lift, but exceptionally strong winds can cause them to lift way farther than manufacturing specifications allow. When this happens the tiles’ connection to the roof may weaken and be less effective with the next round of wind.

The unfortunate reality of this type of damage is that it can only be checked by hand-lifting the tiles, which should be done by a trained roof technician. After the tiles are lifted, they fall back into place and appear to be okay. If you know that a strong wind has come through and you are worried, it is best to call an inspector to assess if this is the case.

The result of the lifting tiles by heavy winds, subsequently causes the adhesion between the tiles and underlayment to loosen and weaken. What this means is that there is a lesser connection between the hard-protective layer and soft water-barrier for the next storm that hits. Tiles that are not properly adhered may blow off or be ripped off by the next strong wind, leaving entire areas of your underlayment exposed to the element and possibly damaged

Again, fasteners must be inspected by a trained professional.


This type of damage is caused by the same issue of high-force winds lifting up tiles and lowering them back into place, except that the tiles break and fall back into place. Chattering leaves you with tile debris all over your roof that exposing the underlayment . Loose and broken tiles are not only dangerous because they leave your roof exposed, but may also fall off and damage your surrounding property,  your neighbor’s property or could possibly injure someone. If you notice cracks and breaks, it is time to call for a repair.


Some flying debris may be strong enough to cause punctures to the protective layer underneath the tiles. Whether it’s a 90LB felt or modified bitumen hot mopped or self-adhered underlayment, if it’s damaged, it leaves the interior of your roof exposed to sun or water. Strong winds could also cause bigger tears or holes to appear, and punctures will let water into your roof spaces, causing mold, rot to form and interior leaks. This type of damage puts your home at risk by degrading its structural integrity.

Lost Tiles

When tiles are loose, they can  fall off or be blown off by strong winds.  Again, this leaves your sub-roofing layer open to the same damage as punctures and tears. It also leaves your water-resistant layer open to damage from wind-borne debris or surrounding foliage. You may not even notice the effects of this damage until water leaks have penetrated into your home and are causing even more serious problems.

Be sure never to leave your roof in a state of damage after a hurricane. Look out for loose tiles or roofing debris around your property. When you lose structural integrity, you open your home and your own safety up to being exposed to nature’s forces. Call Aabco Roofing the moment you experience signs of roof tile damage, and get ahead of the storm.

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