It shouldn’t be daunting to find a roofing contractor. But with full stack service companies, it can be an inky mess to know what they can do and what they cannot. In fact, many might find any kind of roofing project daunting when starting out. There is so much conflicting information, so many kinds of roofs, such an array of equipment and materials… never mind add-ons. And let’s not even start mentioning the regulations and codes!
So, let’s break it down. Within a series of questions, we will have you feeling confident when speaking to a specialist about what roofing services you need.
What Is The Nature Of Your Building?
We offer commercial and residential roofing solutions, and generally the needs and processes involved in each are very different.
Commercial Roofing Services: Is It A Commercial Roofing Project?
Commercial roofs are usually flat. Flat roofs require different care, different cover, and different skills to sloped roofs. Aside from there being all kinds of additional liabilities and considerations, if you do have a flat roof on a residential home, it is important to consider that when calling a roofing contractor.
If you are calling for a flat or commercial roof, then a contractor should be talking to you about products that help with water pooling and related damage. There are also specialized materials for flat roofs that improve UV and energy efficiency in different ways than sloped roof cover.
Another important aspect of commercial or flat roof projects is warranty on materials and work. Flat roofs are prone to water pooling damage and can easily sink in without proper maintenance or installation. It is vital to know that we offer the highest degree of warranties on workmanship and materials. We also have products that we use for flat roofs that seriously improve the risk profile of flat and commercial roofs.
Residential Roofing Services: Is it A Residential Roofing Project?
If you have need for a residential roofing contractor, but your residential roof is unusual for Florida because it is a flat roof, you might want to read the section on commercial roofing services above.
In the case of any sloped roof, there are tons of things you need to be a little bit informed about, especially in Florida. Tile and shingle roofs are very common in Florida for many reasons, and they are the roof coverings we work on within our residential service offering.
Working with a Sloped Roof Design?
It will help to know if your roof is a steep sloped roof or not. Steep slopes require their own set of knowledge and skills application. Materials and warranties work differently when it comes to very steep slopes.
Be sure to mention this, or that you are not sure about this, when first chatting to your local contractor. Steep slopes work better with certain materials and also carry a different set of risks and regulations for hurricane zones. We are familiar with the special way these roofs can be impacted by hurricane season and can make sure everything meets the county standards.
If you are certain the slope of your roof is not a steep slope, then you can begin discussing all your options of roofing materials and covers. In either event, the next section will help guide you on what roofing services we offer for residential roofs.
How Does the Roof Wrap?
We said we’d break it down for you, but we don’t mean to rap. We are talking about how the edges of your roof look from different sides of your house. Is it a gabled roof or a hip roof? Is it a dormer roof? These aspects will impact how many extra measures are necessary, and what kind of support materials will be best.
You can also consider the following aspects before you decide to speak to a professional company about roofing services:
- Gutters when reroofing
- Complications posed by chimneys and ventilation points
- Options for skylight installation
- Or add-ons that are added on top of the roof covering, because we will be able to advise you on hurricane safety precautions for these
This information helps us get a feel for the full job spectrum before offering advice on costing or time.
Are You Unsure About Roofing Materials?
Maybe even more daunting is the next set of questions. It is one thing to know the shape of your roof, or to be able to give some information on the external features of a roof design project. It is quite another to begin talking to a contractor about additional roofing matters, like all the support works.
What is the Best Underlayment System?
Underlayment is actually your home interior’s true barrier against the elements. In case of damage, or in hurricane season, it is what needs to withstand the literal storm. Finding a contractor who offers the latest best practices and products for this is invaluable. We can guide you on underlayment systems that work best for your roof type.
Do I Need Extra Protection?
With most materials and roof styles, there are seams internally and externally. When there are seams internally, they require special tape to seal them off. External ‘seams’ are covered by flashing. It is tempting to leave details like this up to the contractor. This would be a mistake. These facets of your roof are services provided by roofing contractors, and they are as detailed and significant as the shape and style of the roof covering.
Are You Having Roofing Repairs Done?
All the above information is not just relevant to new roof installation. Whenever it is time for roof repairs, it is valuable to understand as much as you can to take part meaningfully in the conversation about your needs. The more you know, the more you can help your contractor figure the best way forward. Some roofs are patchable, others are not. This depends on a lot of aspects we discussed above like style, shape, materials, and finishes.
Do You Think You Need A Roof Replacement?
It doesn’t often happen – or more than once – to too many people… except in Florida maybe, where hurricanes eat roofs as fast food. So, roof replacement could be a thing that you have to go through. Hire licensed local contractors who can guide you through what is for insurance to cover and what is for you to worry about. This is an important consideration if you think this is a fun time to just switch styles completely! While it makes having to repair your roof way more fun, it does bring you right back to needing to assess what your bottom-line needs are and what your zone and county requirements are.
What Is The Maintenance Like On That Roof?
Now this is where choosing a roofing contractor and knowing their services is really invaluable. If you deal with this right, and if you selected well from the get-go of installation or replacement, you have a professional working relationship with a company that will get to know your roof – its needs, its timeline, its history, and probably its future. It is hard to explain what a load off your shoulders this is until you have dealt with roof issues as a homeowner for some years already.
We offer various kinds of maintenance for each part of the roof. We also offer roof maintenance plans and scheduled services. These plans factor in the various materials and facets of your roof.
Calling A Local Roofing Company
Roofing may not be an everyday need or service, which is why it’s worthwhile to have a contractor who becomes your roof caregiver. It’s hard to remember all the details and history each time your roof needs attention.
Why not get it right the first time by calling the experts when it comes to roofing services? Call us today at 1-954-426-8500 for more details on what we offer.